I adore dress forms, as many of you lovely bloggers do. I wanted to incorporate that love into a hand painted sign. I knew I would find what I needed at the Graphics Fairy. I had a vision and nothing less would satisfy me. I enlarged some of the graphics and then went to work! I worked and worked ! Finally it is finished. Here she is with French words. Do I know what it says? Absolutely not!:) All you French speaking friends and or French teachers I humbly apologize.
I used the method of rubbing the back with pencil and then tracing, I hand painted some of the elements and used an ultra fine pen for the rest.
I'm still hard at work with the kitchen transformation. Hopefully it won't take as long as this sign did.
Thanks for letting me share,
I'm liking up at: Cozy Home Scenes: Your Cozy Home Party
Between Naps on The Porch : Metamorphosis Monday
Kathe With an E : You're Gonna Love it Tuesday
Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday